Terms & Condition

terms & conditions

Terms of use

www.GTKCyprys.com is the online store and/or the online means for the exhibition and sale of products through the Internet of the Cypriot individual company GTK PARTS AND ACCESSORIES LIMITED, based in Larnakos 34, Aglantzia, Nicosia – Cyprus. Before entering the online store and browsing our website, we invite you to consult the following terms and conditions, which apply specifically to the use of the online store www.GTKCyprys.com. Both, the terms mentioned above as “the online store and/or the online means for the exhibition and sale of products”, will be referred from now on, in this document, as the “e-shop”.

Make sure you agree to the following terms and conditions because your further use and browsing of the above website www.GTKCyprys.com implies your explicit and unconditional consent and consent with them.

1. Terms

www.GTKCyprys.com reserves the right to unilaterally modify or renew these terms and conditions of transactions, which are made through its online store, according to the law, its needs and transactional ethics. www.GTKCyprys.com undertakes the obligation to inform the users for any modifications as well as for any change, through the website of this e-shop. It is clarified that the change of terms does not cover orders that you have already placed to GTK PARTS AND ACCESSORIES LIMITED, through any means.

2. Provided information & Products

www.GTKCyprys.com is committed to the completeness and validity of the information listed on the website of www.GTKCyprys.com, both in terms of the existence of the essential features that are described on a case by case basis for each product available, and for the accuracy of the data. Concerning the services and/or information provided by the e-shop, subject to any technical or typographical errors, which have escaped attention or have occurred unintentionally or due to any interruption of the operation of the website and/or due to force majeure, GTK PARTS AND ACCESSORIES LIMITED takes no responsibility.

3. Limitation of liability

www.GTKCyprys.com can provide no guarantee for the availability of the products, but guarantees the timely information of the final consumers about their non-availability.

The online store of www.GTKCyprys.com is not responsible for any technical problems that may occur to users when they attempt to access the website and during it and are related to the operation or compatibility of their own infrastructure with the use of the website. Also, www.GTKCyprys.com has no responsibility for acts or omissions of third parties and especially unauthorized interventions of third parties in products and / or services and / or information available through it.

4. Copyright

The entire content of the websites, posted by www.GTKCyprys.com, including images, graphics, photos, drawings, texts, services and products, is the intellectual property of GTK PARTS AND ACCESSORIES LIMITED and is protected under the relevant provisions of Cypriot law, European law and international law. Any copying, analog / digital recording and mechanical playback, distribution, transfer, downloading, processing, resale, creation of production work or misleading the public about the actual provider of the Content of the Websites is prohibited. Any reproduction, republishing, transfer, announcement, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the Content in any way or by any means for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written permission of GTK PARTS AND ACCESSORIES LIMITED or any other legal beneficiary of the above copyright. The names, images, logos and distinctive features that represent GTK PARTS AND ACCESSORIES LIMITED and/or its online store and/or third parties contracted with them as well as their products or services, are exclusive marks and distinctive features of GTK PARTS AND ACCESSORIES LIMITED or/and the above third parties and are protected by Cypriot, European law and international laws on trademarks and industrial and intellectual property and unfair competition.

In any case, their appearance and display on the websites www.GTKCyprys.com should in no way be construed as a transfer or assignment of their license or right of use.

5. User Obligations

Users of the website www.GTKCyprys.com accept that they will not use the e-shop of GTK PARTS AND ACCESSORIES LIMITED to send, publish, send by e-mail or broadcast in any other way any Content that is illegal, harmful, threatening, offensive, annoying, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libel, is a violation of someone else’s privacy, shows empathy, or expresses racial, ethnic or other discrimination, may cause harm to minors in any way, is not entitled to be transmitted in accordance with the law or regulations, managerial relationships (such as internal information, proprietary and confidential information acquired or disclosed as part of employment or covered by confidentiality agreements), infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other third party property rights, contains software viruses or other software files or programs designed to interrupt, cause damage, disrupt or block the operation of any software or computer hardware, intentionally or unintentionally violates applicable Cypriot, European and International law, may harass third parties in any way and any content used to collect or store personal data of users.

6. Purchasing or Ordering of Products

On the shelves of our e-shop you can find spare parts and accessories for all Land Rover models.

To facilitate your search, we have divided our products into corresponding central categories either based on the car model or based on the type of spare part. If you are looking for something specific, use the “search”, which will lead you directly to your specific choice. GTK PARTS AND ACCESSORIES LIMITED makes every effort to provide high quality services. However, cases of errors in prices and secondary product characteristics cannot be ruled out and it cannot be ensured that there will be no website interruptions or “human” errors when updating / stating the price of a product. For the safety and effectiveness of your purchases, we invite you if you find that a product is offered at an unusually low or high price in relation to its market value, before proceeding with your order to contact the GTK PARTS AND ACCESSORIES LIMITED xxxxxxxxxxxx via the e-mail or the telephone number of the “contact us” field of this website.

When you place your order, you will receive an automated e-mail which will state the details of your order.

In case a pending order arises in your order, then a corresponding e-mail will be sent to you. Alternatively, we will contact you at the phones you have given us during the registration or registration of the order on our site.

There is no way to disable these updates, the sending of which is a prerequisite for the proper development of your order. We invite you to take care of these e-mails so that they can reach you and keep them throughout our transaction. It is your responsibility, if you do not receive the relevant e-mails, in accordance with the general terms governing our transactions, to inform us without delay.

7. Right of Return

Return Procedure

We kindly ask you to check the integrity of the products when you receive your order. As you will see, our packaging is excellent and protects our products during transport. However, some damage may be caused to the products during transport. In this case, please contact us at email www.GTKCyprys.com, or at tel .: 22339494 (business opening hours), within 5 days to arrange product return and shipping new. To replace it you need to keep the product packaging. In the rare case of a defective product, please follow the procedure above.

8. Liability and Guarantee of Supplier. Responsibility of the Seller for defects.

1. The manufacturer of any product you purchase is liable for any damage caused by a defect in its product. Any agreement to restrict or exempt the producer from liability is void. Claims against the producer for damages are according to the Cypriot Law. In case of doubt as to the identity of the producer of a product purchased from us, please let us know.

2. Any permanent consumer goods are accompanied by the written guarantee of the manufacturer of the product or the company that imported the product into the EU or the company that attacks the product with the marks appearing as the manufacturer (of the other “Supplier”). Please pay special attention to the terms of the warranty provided by the Supplier as well as to the other accompanying documents and data which under the responsibility of the Supplier are included in the products and especially those concerning information on the safe use and maintenance of products.

3. The supplier must provide the consumer in writing, in English or Greek language or with internationally established symbols, clear and complete instructions for safe use, preservation, maintenance and full utilization of the product and information on the risks during use and preservation.

4. In addition to the warranty, the Supplier of new permanent consumer goods must ensure to consumers the continuous provision of technical services for their maintenance and repair for a period of time equal to their possible lifespan. The Supplier must also provide consumers with the option of purchasing spare parts and other products required for their use in accordance with their destination for the entire duration of their life.

9. Order cancellation

Cancellation of the order can be done in the following cases: Before completing the order. If the online order has been completed but the product has not been shipped yet, you can call at 22339494 or send us an email at Mainoffice@gtkcyprus.com and we will contact you.